Secret Life Of A Mermaid Wiki
Welcome to Secret Life Of A Mermaid Wiki!
Meet the Characters!
Season 1

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Teenie989 Newscast

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Season 1

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Welcome to Secret Life Of A Mermaid Wiki!
Meet the Characters!
Season 1
Welcome to the Secret Life Of A Mermaid Wiki
a free encyclopedia surrounding Teenie989's series that anyone can edit.

Currently hosting 116 articles and 254 files as of April 19, 2024.
Ever wonder how Amy's story began? There's a new mermaid in town! Watch the adventures of Amy and Brenna as they attempt to live normal lives. With the transformation of the final mermaid, watch how the trio maintain obstacles such as a new friend, new powers, and new journeys! With the girls' secret in enemy's hands, how will they ever make it through? How does Amy's story end?
Secret Life Of A Mermaid (colloquially referred to as SLM) is a fantasy series about Amy Samuels and her friends, Brenna Edwards and Kelsey Cork, as they live their lives with a big secret: they're all mermaids with powers over the elements. The show is based on H2O: Just Add Water and has gained a large following on YouTube and has inspired many other people to create similar shows.
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We are currently housing 116 articles, and 254 files.

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We are a community website dedicated to providing readers with an accurate, up-to-date database for Secret Life Of A Mermaid information, speculation, and more. With a variety of articles on everything of and pertaining to this YouTube show, Secret Life Of A Mermaid Wiki strives to be your #1 resource for Secret Life Of A Mermaid information on the web.
And the best part? Anyone can add to our website! So, create an account, and join us in sharing your knowledge with the Secret Life Of A Mermaid fanbase!

May 31, 2019: It has officially been 10 years since SLM was first released. Check out Teenie989's update on where the actors are today!

May 31, 2015: Happy SLM day! Want to relive the past six years of SLM? Check out this video Teenie989 uploaded!
August 21, 2014: Check out the bloopers for the series finale!
July 28, 2014: It's finale day... prepare for the tears...
July 18, 2014: The trailer for the finale is now out! Are you excited?

Read up on all the characters!
Practice your powers!
Read about all the episodes!
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Blaire Harris

Blaire Harris is a main character in the series. Her mom is a mermaid, but her mom left her when she was a year old. She didn't get the powers to be a mermaid because the mermaid genetics skip a generation. Amy found a note with these words written on it: "Child may inherit the same sort of power." This means that Blaire might get or already has a power that is stronger than mermaid magic. Blaire's mother, Terra (a mermaid/siren), beckoned Blaire to the ocean where she now remains.

